Monday, 2 June 2014

10 ...

Michelangelo (embracing Picasso warmly)
Pablo! How good it is to see you again. You know the others? 

Pablo Picasso
Yes, of course ... (shakes hands with the others) ... Hello again David, Raffaello, Gian Lorenzo. Nice to see you all again – this time in your own city – although I hope you enjoyed the event in Venice as much as I did. (friendly greetings and expressions of agreement all around) What a beautiful morning in Roma. Where are you four headed so early?

We are on our way to the Sistine, with the great artist himself, to talk about the ceiling in terms of Michelangelo's artistic legacy. Join us, if you have the time, please.

That would be delightful, thank you. Certainly I'll come along. (smiling) I'd like to bet that you two (indicates Raphael and Michelangelo) have been exchanging rather pointed remarks.

That is a bet you would win, my friend. Glad you can join us, although you know from our previous encounters that I disapprove of your atheism. Your earlier remark about not needing God to appreciate this place ... really, Pablo you are shameless.

Picasso (chuckling)
Shameless? Hmmm, perhaps. But we've been through this religious discussion Raphael, and you know how sternly I disapprove of your god, and of all the others that people have invented to justify the awful things they do to each other. Let us agree to disagree, and enjoy the morning and the good company.

Yes, yes, yes. Leave him alone Raphael. Let's get to the chapel before the tourists arrive. (to Bernini) But, Gian Lorenzo, I must compliment you on this marvellous structure. I see that you have used some of my devices (points to the sculptures of biblical figures above the open railing atop the colonnade), but very beautifully. 

Michelangelo, The Campidoglio1536–1546

This piazza is certainly an oasis of calm. What is it they say these days? "I love what you've done with the place."

Piazza San Pietro

(As they enter the narthex their laughter echoes from the marble floor and vaulted ceiling. They head for the hallway that will take them to the Sistine Chapel).

The narthex of St. Peter's Basilica

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