Friday, 13 June 2014

14 ...

Bernini, Newkirk and Raphael are startled by a low moan apparently coming from Michelangelo at the far end of the chapel. The moan becomes a growl, followed by a string of obscenities not at all in keeping with the setting.

What the devil is that about? I feel the back of my neck crawling. (calls to Michelangelo) What is it? What's wrong?

Look at this! The paint is so poorly matched. How is it that no one has seen this before now? And what the hell is that? (points at something as the others walk over to join him)

Newkirk (peers up at what appears to be a slightly damaged spot on the fresco) I see what you mean, Michelangelo. Charon's left eye looks a bit odd.

Odd? It's ruined! I don't understand it. I want to have a closer look.

If only I could reach it. It's just a bit too high. (looks around) I wish I had an umbrella or a stick.

Will this do? (from under his cloak, he draws a sparkling and deadly-looking sword. The others stare at him in silent shock, mouths open.)
(indignantly) What? I attended a formal affair before I joined you. Don't worry, I never use the thing – it's strictly for effect. Here (hands the sword, hilt first, to Newkirk). Try it. See if you can touch that spot on Charon's eye.

I can't believe I'm brandishing a sword in the Sistine Chapel ... and that I'm about to damage a fresco by Michelangelo.

Oh, get on with it. The painting is already damaged and there's no one else here.

(raises the sword to Charon's face, and risks a gentle scratch of the surface. Small pieces of plaster fall away from the left eye) Whoever did this chose a good spot. This eye is on the dark side of the face, and as we found out, just a little too high for the average viewer to discover. (one more small tap with the point of the sword)

My god, something has been placed in that cavity.

It's a camera! Here, wait a second. (he pokes with the sword and dislodges a tiny black cylinder. It falls to the floor at his feet.)

Look! It's even shaped like an eye, and it's not much bigger. No wonder it wasn't found earlier. (looks up in panic and stares at each artist in turn). What the hell does it mean? If this thing is working, we're being watched right now! Surely the Vatican can't have installed this to keep an eye on the tourists – do you think?

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